Google Search


Monday, August 20, 2007

Articles and E-zines

I picked the easiest of the marketing methods to start with, Articles, or E-zines as these are often known. There's a whole bunch of different types of these floating around but the basic process for useing these goes something like this:
  1. Write an interesting article about something related to your website or one that simply talks up your website.
  2. Publish the article on the internet in as many places as you can (,, are good places to start).
  3. Put a link on the article that points to your web page.
Follow this process and hopefully you'll end up with lots of people finding the article through Google or other search engines. The reader will then be so engrossed by what they've read in your article that they'll immediatly click on the link to your webpage. Having a link on these sites also helps by boosting the Google PageRank for the website they point to.

Of course once their on the webpage its only a matter of time before they'll click on an ad and hence make you some money. Beautiful and simple isn't it.

This is just the beginners coverage because thats what I am. I'll add another post about this once I've played around with articles a bit more. For now you can entertain yourself by having a look at a couple of the articles I've written and published on
These both point towards Travel to New Zealand, a little webpage I created to help demonstrate what I'm doing on this blog. If you have any questions about the process or the articles I've written then please feel free to leave me a comment.

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